House Republicans escalated their war against National Public Radio, calling an "emergency" meeting Wednesday to consider a bill that would strip the organization of federal funds.
NPR, which operates 797 radio stations across the country, gets less than 2% of its annual budget directly from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which receives more than $400 million a year from Congress. But the CPB also gives money directly to NPR member stations, which proponents of the organization fear could be shut down without public funding.
According to a spokeswoman for Lamborn, Catherine Mortensen, the new standalone bill would only target NPR. And unlike the CR amendment would have defunded public broadcasting through the 2011 fiscal year, HR 1076 would permanently prohibit all federal funding to NPR and affiliate stations.
The House already passed a similar bill to defund both NPR and the Public Broadcasting Service through September, but the Senate defeated it.
The latest bill, spearheaded by Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.), is not likely to pass in the Democrat-controlled Senate.
House GOPers scheduled their “Emergency Meeting” to cut the miniscule amount of federal funding to NPR - yet Congress has allowed jobless 99ers to languish without any source of income for over a year now.
UI benefits accounted for 100% of the necessary income to survive for millions of UI exhaustees called “99ers” but it would seem that 2% of NPR funding is far more important to the FAT CAT Republicans and obviously Democrats as well.
This is the sort of CRAP that Congress gives “EMERGENCY” status to? I cannot believe that every American with a brain is not hounding Speaker Boehner with calls and emails demanding he get off of his ugly orange, golf playing, lazy butt and get to the business of the American people - NOW.
EMAIL: speakerboehner@mail.house.gov
Tweet Him: @speakerboehner
CALL SPEAKER BOEHNER TODAY and let him know that survival of 99ers/UI exhaustees is an EMERGENCY - defunding NPR is NOT! His West Chester OH office number is
513-779-5400, and his DC office number is 202- 225-6205.
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