Today I stumbled across a website called 99ers.net and noticed a good idea posted there on how we can possibly move the 14 week extension bill (HR 589) out of committee limbo and get moving on the path to making this law now.
Believing that one person CAN make a difference, I have updated information on how each of us can work to help Congresswoman Lee achieve a 14 week extension, to Tier I, that will give at least some relief to all 99ers.
Her bill to add these 14 weeks is on hold in the Ways and Means Committee.
I am getting very tired of hearing “The Republicans aren’t doing this, the Democrats aren’t do that” We are none of the above…..just AMERICANS!
This bill #HR589 is critical to millions of Americans in need of any kind of financial help, whether it’s to pay a utility bill, a mortgage payment to help avoid foreclosure, food for the table, gas in a car or countless other needs. With the billions of dollars being spent on foreign aid and targeted pet projects; HELPING AMERICANS should be a number ONE priority with our Congress/Senate. With all the mismanagement of funds over the years, in both houses, this is One expense that should be approved, by everyone of our Employees…
The US House of Representatives, the US Senate and the White House!!!Contact every Member on the House Ways and Means Committee, Democrat and Republican. Below is a list of committee member names/numbers. Let your voice be heard direct to the 1st line of battle
I’m calling on everyone to help Congresswoman Lee; it won’t take much of your time, but it will take a little effort.
The main number for this committee office: 202-225-3625
Then, contact Speaker John Boehner; 202-225-6205 and ask that bill HR589 be brought to the House floor for an approval vote and ask him to stand behind this bill and vote yes.
Why should he vote yes with all the other pressing issues in play? Just as we need a balanced budget for our future, we need immediate help for our countrymen, NOW.
The future is important, but the path to get there is NOT TO LEAVE ANYONE BEHIND. America is the first to be called when a foreign country or a local community is in trouble. The 99ers are in trouble and calling on America for help! If they need a reason to send in the financial troops-here it is:
This is a Nation Wide epidemic; affecting every community, town, business, city and state. It was created by bad government choices in spending our money. If the auto industry, banks & wall street can be saved with Billions of Americans hard earned money-TARP, and are now showing profits, then it’s time Congress use that return on their “investment” - To reinvest in Americans!
Since the government hasn’t been able to help increase jobs at the same pace they helped loose them, then it’s their responsibility to offer this temporary help that’s desperately needed. It’s painfully obvious that job creation is going to take a very long time, but this small amount of help can go a long way to raise the spirits of so many in need, that continue their search for a new line of work.
These are the members of the House Ways and Means committee represented by both Democrats and Republicans…Americans; it’s best to call the Washington DC offices; you get more help and reaction there; so start calling; there’s no time to waste:
Committee Chairman
Dave Camp (MI) 202-225-3561
Wally Herger, CA 202-225-3026
Sam Johnson, TX 202-225-4201
Kevin Brady, TX 202-225-4901
Paul Ryan, WI 202-225-3031
Devin Nunes, CA 202-225-2523
Pat Tiberi, OK 202-225-5355
Geoff Davis, KY 202-225-3465
Dave G. Reichert, WA 202-225-7761
Charles Boustany, LA 202-225-2031
Dean Heller, NV 202-225-6155
Peter J. Roskam, IL 202-225-4561
Jim Gerlach, PA 202-225-4315
Tom Price, GA 202-225-4501
Vern Buchanan, FL 202-225-5015
Adrian Smith, NE 202-225-6435
Aaron Schock, IL 202-225-6201
Lynn Jenkins, KS 202-225-6601
Erik Paulsen, MN 202-225-2871
Rick Berg, ND 202-225-2611
Diane Black, TN 202-225-4231
Sander Levin, MI 202-225-4961
F. Pete Stark, CA 202-225-5065
Jim McDermott, WA 202-225-3106
John Lewis, GA 202-225-3801
Richard E. Neal, MA 202-225-5601
Xavier Becerra, CA 202-225-6235
Lloyd Doggett, TX 202-225-4865
Mike Thompson, CA 202-225-3311
John B. Larson, CT 202-225-2265
Earl Blumenauer, OR 202-225-4811
Ron Kind, WI 202-225-5506
Bill Pascrell, Jr., NJ 202-225-5751
Shelley Berkley, NV 202-225-5965
Joseph Crowley, NY 202-225-3965
I will be making my calls first thing tomorrow morning. How about you?
Wally Herger, CA 202-225-3026
Sam Johnson, TX 202-225-4201
Kevin Brady, TX 202-225-4901
Paul Ryan, WI 202-225-3031
Devin Nunes, CA 202-225-2523
Pat Tiberi, OK 202-225-5355
Geoff Davis, KY 202-225-3465
Dave G. Reichert, WA 202-225-7761
Charles Boustany, LA 202-225-2031
Dean Heller, NV 202-225-6155
Peter J. Roskam, IL 202-225-4561
Jim Gerlach, PA 202-225-4315
Tom Price, GA 202-225-4501
Vern Buchanan, FL 202-225-5015
Adrian Smith, NE 202-225-6435
Aaron Schock, IL 202-225-6201
Lynn Jenkins, KS 202-225-6601
Erik Paulsen, MN 202-225-2871
Rick Berg, ND 202-225-2611
Diane Black, TN 202-225-4231
Sander Levin, MI 202-225-4961
F. Pete Stark, CA 202-225-5065
Jim McDermott, WA 202-225-3106
John Lewis, GA 202-225-3801
Richard E. Neal, MA 202-225-5601
Xavier Becerra, CA 202-225-6235
Lloyd Doggett, TX 202-225-4865
Mike Thompson, CA 202-225-3311
John B. Larson, CT 202-225-2265
Earl Blumenauer, OR 202-225-4811
Ron Kind, WI 202-225-5506
Bill Pascrell, Jr., NJ 202-225-5751
Shelley Berkley, NV 202-225-5965
Joseph Crowley, NY 202-225-3965
I will be making my calls first thing tomorrow morning. How about you?
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