Legendary Actor Charlie Sheen joined Twitter on Tuesday of this week, and already has passed the 1 million mark on twitter. According to the Guinness Book of World Records Sheen hit the mark in record time: 25 hours and 17 minutes after he joined Twitter. Amazing.
Twitter Grader has Sheen with a score of 100, but with the curious ranking of 81,251 out of 8.8 million. Why? the reason is that he just joined Twitter and so has just 21 listed tweets as of the time I checked him against Twitter Grader. So this unusual performance may say something of what's wrong with ranking systems for Twitter. My Twitter Zennie62 ranking was 5,276, out of 8.8 million. So from that measure, I'm ahead of Charlie Sheen, because even with just 24,500 followers, I have 16,949 updates. I've also been on Twitter for 3 years, 11 months, and 22 days; Charlie just two days.
So, with all that, can Sheen catch Lady Gaga, who has a 8.5 million followers on just 629 updates? Lady Gaga is ranked 40,263 out of 8.8 million. So the reasons why Zennie62 ranks higher than either Charlie Sheen or Lady Gaga are also the ways Charlie Sheen can catch Lady Gaga.
Right now, Sheen's ranking is low because not only does he not update a lot, it seems to be that he doesn't have a large number of followers that also have Twitter grades of 100 He need to get more of his friends who have "100" grades to follow him. Also, his tweets have to be more useful for retweeting, another factor in Twitter Grader. Sheen retweeting news items from a blog like Zennie62.com would be a great start.
Sheen needs to produce between 10 and 27 tweets per day to improve his ranking and follower rate. Plus, his offline commentary on television, and radio, as was the case on The Dan Patrick Show here:
As well as celebrities like Gloria Allred talking about him...
Will only help build his follower base. If he keeps this up for a month he could reach 6 million followers by the end of it. Not quite Lady Gaga, but close enough to be of significance.