God these bags are just great. Every single bag is made of leather and comes in the most spectacular and fun colors (each bag seriously coming in about 7 different, bright colors). The ample amount of zippers, pockets, and other hardware on each of these bags is glorious. The prices range from about $150-$250. Not bad for leather, huh.
Additionally, the leather sort of has a semi-destroyed look to it, so should it accidentally get scratched (which I know any bag would in my possession), it would not even be detectable.
Tano doesn't sell the bags on their website, but you can look online for a retail store near you. For those who live in the Inland Empire, Reggie & Luca sells a handful of these amazing bags. I plan on buying a black and brown, slouchy, over-the-shoulder bag. Very much looking forward to owning it...
Smile for me, baby.
-Molly Shameless