99ers, advocates, media and all US jobless: Please Don't Forget Twitter #99erAID Round 2 Tonight at 8PM EST. Spurred on by the success of last week’s Twitter chat, event organizer Jason Tabrys (@99erAID) is poised for the second event in his ongoing weekly #99erAID Twitter March.
#99erAID seeks to allow 99ers and the long term unemployed a chance to get together and share ideas while also lending each other support. The group is not affiliated with any political party or advocacy group.
Quick guide to twitter chat: http://xltweet.com/show/?id=5452585C57
There is a page on Facebook if you want to RSVP to the #99erAID event. Even if you don't tweet or can't participate in this chat, please help get the word out. This event is both to chat with other unemployed/99ers and to get more attention for our plight. http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=195361350493577
The event is scheduled to run between 8:00 PM EST and 9:30 PM EST with a 90 minute chat on the 99erAID Facebook group chat to immediately follow at 9:30 PM EST.
Any and all are welcome to participate and urged to help spread word about the event but the organizer has asked for respect, civility, and that all comments be made with an eye toward helping 99ers survive these harrowing times.
For more information please contact Jason Tabrys on Twitter @99erAID
99ers & All Unemployed - take a page from Wisconsin, Egypt, and Libya - NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE if you participate in the process.
Tweet this out to all and to media / celebrity contacts:
1) WE NEED you to help in #99erAID Today 8PM so we can trend #SOLIDARITY!
Let's TREND tonight!!!