According to AP news agency, investigations have concluded that in the case of McNair, a murder, but still do not know if Kazemi would have been killed or committed suicide. A gun was found under her body, but police have not identified the owner.
Before releasing the initial findings on the case, police in Nashville waiting for the result of two blood tests to see if there was drug use.
- This is a very important part of research to reach a conclusion on Kazemi's death - said police spokesman Don Aaron.
McNair Mechell McNair was married and had four children. Former quarteback died at 36 years and played 13 seasons as a professional by the Houston Oilers, Tennessee franchise that later became Titans and the Baltimore Ravens.
The quarterback was the number three choice of the Oilers in the draft (lottery university) from 1995 to three times after reaching the Pro Bowl. As a professional has a mark of 174 passes for touchdowns and was intercepted 119 times. During his career, McNair completed 31,304 yards passing air.
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