Pooja Kumar began as a VJ before she entered the world of acting. As an actress, she worked in many independent films, where she was mostly recognized in the film 'Flavors'. Pooja Kumar is now taken on Hollywood in her 3-part miniseries with SNL comedian Chris Kattan called 'Bollywood Hero'. As far as the plot goes, it is about a young actor who goes to Mumbai for a role as a colonial in a Bollywood costume film. While he records video messages for his father in Holland, he also tries to right quite a few social wrongs in Mumbai that cross his path. It is all set to premiere on the IFC Channel this August. Check out the DH! interview below where Pooja Kumar tells us her journey making this film with the comedian Chris Kattan and Bollywood actress Neha Dupia.
DH: Tell me about the miniseries' 'Bollywood Hero' with Chris Kattan?
Pooja: It is a Bollywood romance that was shot in Mumbai in 8 weeks. It is somewhat revolutionary in its form because its romantic but it also has a very serious side to it and so the combination might appeal to western audiences. It's a blend because it has the Bollywood musical element and the Bollywood culture and yet it has the western outlook. This is because the movie is about Chris's journey from the west to Bollywood. Chris Kattan, Bollywood actress Neha Dupia and myself worked on this project.
DH: So Chris Kattan (comedian best known for performance on Saturday Night live) was casted in this project. What was it like working with him? What did he think of Mumbai?
Pooja: This was Chris's 2nd trip to India and he loves the culture and people. Chris fell in love with. He was so open to it all. He totally accepted the fourteen hour days, the extremely hard conditions caused by the heat and the constant traffic. He was amazing to work with.
DH: What was it like working with a cast that is made up of members of Bollywood and Hollywood?
Pooja: It was an amazing group of people who all appreciated the culture. Great cast, everybody is amazing and the cast works as an ensemble. Having mutual goals and having a lot fun.
DH: So what should viewers expect from the film?
Pooja: The audience will have a chance to see the beauty of India. They will take away the theme about going really going after your dreams and living it.
DH: How did you find out about the film?
Pooja: My friend Anjula, your CEO, emailed me about meeting the producer. Then I auditioned and got the job.
DH: Did you ever think you would be working on a project that has a bit of Bollywood flavor.
Pooja: Never thought I would be doing I would be doing something in Bollywood , but I am so excited because I love to do comedy and this project really helped me to bring that out. And the project was so amazing because we worked as a team and the Bombay shoot was amazing. It changed my life. It made me realize just how lucky I am and that the timing was so amazing too.
DH: So what's next for you?
Pooja: My next project is another romantic comedy which is set in New York. The comedy will be coming out on Valentine 's Day next year. And then there will be another Bollywood project. It's called a "Bollywood Beach" and it's about a young guy who wants to be a dancer and how the dancing changes his life
DH: Message to DH! Readers?
Pooja: If the whole world would just love one another we would all be successful. So spread the love!
Okay DH! Viewers, do you think this film will turn out great? Give us your feedback on this Bollywood-Hollywood flick.From:www.desihits.com