Happy Easter to everyone!
And yes, I DID go easter-egg hunting today. The grandparents still hide them for the grandkids. So what if we are all in our late teens and early twenties? Haha. They are filled with $1 dollar bills, for lord's sake!
I originally just had the blazer on when I hastily dressed myself this morning, but I decided to throw in the bright pink scarf on top of it all. I was just in that chipper and festive of a mood, I suppose :)
I am in complete love and aw of this blazer, though. I picked it up at a vintage store in Laguna a couple weeks ago. It was dying to come out and play. Gosh, I wish I had a better camera cause this blazer is effing fabulous.
Vintage blazer, Nation tee, Genetic Denim Shane Recessive Skinnies
Smile, babes.